How it started
We created The Market Garden to provide delicious fresh produce to the Prickly Pear, Bruton; to compliment and inspire its cooking and to bring the menu closer to nature. It gives us a cause to celebrate the seasons, with the menu frequently changing as we continue our yearly adventure around the sun. It’s extremely rewarding to see the journey of food from farm to plate and the proof is in the pudding: it just tastes so much better.
The Market Garden lies just over a mile as the crow flies from the Prickly Pear, by utilising the location we have significantly reduced the miles traveled by the food and the potential burden its production might have on the environment.
We also wanted to grow produce that we knew came from healthy soil and was grown without the use of any chemicals. This method is certainly not the easiest but it’s worth it for the outcome.
The Prickly Pear can’t use all the produce we create, which gives us the opportunity to sell to a selection of other local restaurants and shops, as well as offer a small weekly veg box scheme.
You can see a list of our customers here